Elizabeth likes to say that she grew up on politics and CNN. There is nothing better to solidify an early interest in politics than running a good friend ’s high-school student body presidential campaign, which she did. That’s when Elizabeth decided that she was destined for a career in politics.
As a 19-year-old student at the University of Toronto, Elizabeth’s interest centered on polling and political survey research. She remembers watching the news and listening to consultants discuss polls, and decided that polling was her calling. Elizabeth went on to attend the Political Campaigning pro-gram, which led to an internship with a polling firm headed by fellow UF/PC alum Dave Beattie. She was later offered a job with the firm after completing the Program. That internship was the launching pad for what has become an impressive career in polling and campaign strategy.
While Elizabeth always wanted to be a pollster and help good Democrats get elected, her exact career path was not what she originally expected. In the end, though, it worked out better than she ever could have hoped. She attributes this to the Campaigning Program, as well as to the amazing mentors and fellow pollsters that she has worked with. Today, Elizabeth is a Partner in the Washington-based firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. She spends her days reviewing data, advising clients, pitching to prospective clients, conducting focus groups, and doing lots of traveling. The best part, she says, is getting to work with amazing people and being able to give back. Elizabeth is also an adjunct professor of Survey Research at UF.